Our Sustainable Journey

Our Sustainable Journey

A seed hangs off the tree branch, waiting eagerly to start a journey…


I’m Edd Hiden and I am the new sustainability coordinator at the Scottish Crannog Centre. I have been a volunteer at the Centre for several years, helping wherever I could – from learning to turn wood on the pole lathe, to having the opportunity to help with winter maintenance on the Crannog. I have always had an interest in science and from my experiences with the Centre I decided to study an environmental science module at the Open University, ultimately leading to me starting the final year of my degree this October.

My role at the Centre is to help investigate and encourage sustainable practices as we look forward to our move to our new site at Dalerb. As part of this I will be working with a team to create a sustainability document that will help guide us on our journey towards a sustainable future.

The best part of what I do is that every day is different. I go from considering how to reduce waste and encourage recycling, to considering ways to encourage biodiversity on our site and even helping source sustainable materials for the Iron Age village. I think what I find most interesting is how interconnected everything is, and how changing one thing for the positive often leads to benefits elsewhere.

If you have any questions, suggestions, or just want to say hello, you can get in touch at edd@crannog.co.uk.
