Museums Future Summit March 2022

Read about how Izzie and Rachel spoke at the Museums Future Summit this month!


We were pleased to be able to speak at the Museum Futures Summit this month, in conjunction with the British Museum. The Summit aims to explore and advertise new ways for people to enter careers in the museum sector, from Kickstart placements to Apprenticeships. Our Apprentice in Museums and Galleries Practice Isobelle Hanby, Director Mike Benson and Community Archaeologist Rachel Backshall spoke about their experience being part of a new

and ambitious apprenticeship at the Crannog Centre, and the real value it brings to the apprentices and the team and the sector as a whole.

Rachel said: It was a fantastic opportunity to speak as part of the Museum Futures Summit, as it gave us, especially Isobelle, a real chance to share our passion for alternative ways into working in heritage, and the real vibrance that young voices bring to any organisation. We are expanding our apprenticeship programme, hoping to take on 2-3 more young people this year, and supporting our existing cohort as they transition into a second, higher level apprenticeship. We have also hosted a Kickstart placement in 2021, which was so successful, and Cameron became such a part of the team that he has stayed on with us to start a Craft Fellowship with Historic Environment Scotland at the Crannog Centre. This is now a central pillar of how we work, and the whole team and wider Crannog Community all believe in this work, so it makes it very powerful, and a real driving force for the museum!

Watch the summit session below and see our Isobelle in action!!