Midsummer Friends

Our Midsummer Music event on 21st June each year has been the catalyst for many fantastic friendships between the Crannog, staff and our visitors!


And true to form, Midsummer Music 2018 saw many friends reuniting.  It was great to see Marieke and Willie from local band Tarmachan returning to play the event again – Marieke was one of our Iron Age interpreters for many years so it was great to have her back amongst the Crannog Community.  The event also saw many other old friends and their families gathering with us to celebrate the Summer Solstice.

And to new friends!  There are always new people coming to the events and some of those new friends have already booked to come to our Celtic Samhain event on 31st October – they are now part of the 2018 Crannog Community and will hopefully come back year after year too!

The other musicians playing on the evening were The Mad Ferret Band from nearby Perth.  They are well and truly new friends and have already been back to see to this fantastic video on the newly created beach area of the site.  The Loch, Logboats and Crannog make a spectacular backdrop to the video.

We’re hoping that the boys will return to play in the Crannog again very soon so watch look out on our Facebook and events pages for more information.

If you would like to keep up with news on The Mad Ferret Band, click on their name for a link to their website!