Basketry Workshops

Read about our public trial for our upcoming basketry workshops!


A couple of weeks back experimental archaeologist and interpreter Emma had a brilliant day teaching a public test for the Basketry workshops which will run through the year.

Three members of the public, all of them completely new to willow weaving and basketry came along. Starting off with a look at our museum and the Iron Age collections including some pieces of woven plants, this gave us a grounding in archaeology for the ancient craft of basketry. We then popped into our re-constructed Crannog to have a look at all things woven and a good look at the house.

Then the real task began – we started with straight rods of willow, and through the day we used many different weaves to bend and twist the willow. We produced lovely round basket bases first and then built up the sides, finally braiding a woven border to finish our lovely little baskets. They’ll be perfect for eggs, rolls, foraging or any other bits and bobs. And we were kept well fed with an iron Age lunch of flatbread, stew and cheese as well as plenty of cuppas, cakes and biscuits through the day.
Many thanks to Amy, Edd and J for coming along, giving feedback and crafting yourselves some lovely baskets. We hope you enjoy them and also your info booklets!

If you’re interested, take a look at our workshops on our website: All the details and dates are there. We’d love to see you and spend a day of crafting with you beside our loch and Crannog!

Here are a few words from each participant:

“The workshop was a fantastic experience from start to finish. While the focus was on learning the techniques that are involved in the weaving process having the introductory talk through the museum and Crannog helps to show how important this skill was in history and how useful and applicable it still is today. Emma’s explanation of each of the stages was excellent, especially considering current restrictions make it a lot trickier. The handout provided was excellent, packed with information, and a useful thing to be able to take home. The inclusion of an Iron Age lunch was also a wonderful touch that helped to complete the day as a unique experience.”

“I really enjoyed the basketry workshop. It was such fun and who wouldn’t love spending the day in such a beautiful setting, with some lovely people, learning a new skill? I am so pleased with my finished basket and Emma did a great job explaining everything so clearly. Her instructions were easy to follow and I came away feeling I understood the basics and would have the confidence to go away and try it again on my own. It was the perfect taster session and I think I am now well and truly hooked. I’ve already googled where to buy willow! I also really appreciated the information sheets that were provided – they will really help me remember what we did. I had a brilliant time and would thoroughly recommend this workshop to anyone.”

“I had a lovely day and thank you for the opportunity and your patient teaching. Getting around a fire and crafting is one of my top favourite things to do!
I found your teaching really easy to understand and follow. I went away with a willow basket that I’m very happy with and would like to continue learning basketry.
Lunch was fantastic. I think you’re offering a really good workshop.”