Beltane Bannock Recipe

Last weekend we celebrated the Beltane Festival of Fire and Fertility at the Crannog Centre, and as a special treat, Rachel spent the four days making Beltane Bannocks, butter and fresh cheeses!

The Beltane Bannock has a long history in Scotland. At the Beltane celebrations, everyone would take a Bannock, the bannoch Bealltainn, and a bit was offered to the spirits to protect their livestock (one to protect the horses, one to protect the sheep etc) and a bit offered to each of the predators that might harm their livestock (one to the fox, one to the eagle etc). We made a Bannock for each tour group during our Beltane Festival, and covered them with fresh homemade butter and wild garlic cheese. Visitors through their Bannock crumbs into the fire to ask for a fantastic year ahead!

Our Beltane Bannock Recipe:

  • 150g oatmeal
  • 150g flour (spelt or emmer)
  • Handful of oats
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • ¾ teaspoon bicarb of soda

Mix the dry ingredients thoroughly and add:

  • 180ml buttermilk, whole milk or whey (from cheesemaking)

Mix this into a firm dough, and knead until comes together in a ball. Divide into 2 balls, and flatten into 2cm thick discs on a floured board, working the edges to keep from cracking.

Cook on a medium temperature in a dry frying pan until dark golden on each side (roughly 10-15mins per side).

Enjoy with honey, or butter and cheese and fresh herbs!



The Bannock recipe has also been modified for Vegan cooks by one of our wonderful visitors on the day, who sent their new recipe through to us. Alasdair Watson sent in this photo and changes he made to our traditional recipe, using oat milk thickened with some lemon juice to replace the buttermilk.