Crannog Apprentices – The First Week!

Digital Marketing Apprentice Toby interviews his colleagues about their few weeks working at the Scottish Crannog Centre!


On 1st August, 5 new apprentices started at the Crannog Centre! For the next year, they will be working towards a Scottish Vocational Qualification while learning all about life on the crannog.

Toby, our Digital Marketing Apprentice, sat down with his new colleagues to ask them how they felt after their first week on the job…


1. How have you found the first week?
2. Has anything stood out to you?
3. What has been your favourite part?
4. How would you describe the community?
5. What is your favourite thing/skill you have learned?




1. It has been interesting and enjoyable; it has been good to get out of my comfort zone and speak to visitors about a wide range of topics.

2. Nothing has really stood out as I am interested in most of the topics.

3. My favourite part has been teaching visitors about interesting topics as I am passionate about history.

4. The community is very friendly and engaging.

5. My favourite skill that I have learned is tablet weaving.



1. It has been good; different to any job I have had before. It’s very hands-on but not as intensive as you would expect.

2. I have enjoyed the puppet show, I have also liked the cooking stall.

3. I’d have to say the puppet show as it is different every time you do it and it’s just a bit of fun for the end of the tours.

4. The community at the crannog is quite close, there is not really a hierarchy, so everybody is treated the same.

5. My favourite skill I have learned is the woodwork because I get to recreate things they would have made in the past and It’s interesting to see how they used to do things back in the iron age.



1. My first week has been fabulous, it is a very unique place to work and it is a great opportunity; I have enjoyed every second of it.

2. and 3. My favourite thing is definitely textiles because I get to talk about wool all day and I get to do make things out of wool that I have spun myself.

4. The community is very welcoming and kind, and we get along like we’ve known each other forever.

5. My favourite thing so far has been textiles, I have enjoyed practising drop spinning and learning about the dying techniques.


1. Definitely been interesting! Although I hadn’t started the digital marketing aspect until this week, it’s been great to learn about what is on offer on the tours.

2. Probably the technology area, because it’s interesting to learn how they used to make stuff back in the Iron Age.

3. The puppet show – it’s a bit of a laugh!

4. Very welcoming. Everyone is on the same level which is really great, there’s no division between members of staff so everyone’s treated equally.

5. Drop-spinning wool, even though I’m not very good at it…



1. I have found the first week very enjoyable! It was easy to learn and pick up new skills and I’m very grateful for the opportunity.

2. I really like the cooking part of the tour and I like booking in people and being interactive!

3. I honestly don’t know! I loved it all.

4. Very friendly good people to work with, I’m so grateful I had the opportunity to work here.

5. I don’t have a favourite, I have liked everything I’ve done so far.


More blogs from the apprentices will be posted throughout the year, so be sure to check back soon!


(Funding for the apprenticeship programme kindly supported by the Gannochy Trust, Museums Galleries Scotland, Perth & Kinross Council and SSE Renewables)