Crannog Apprentices – Daisy’s First Impressions

New Customer Service Apprentice Daisy writes about her first few weeks at the Crannog Centre.



My first 2 months at the Crannog have been amazing. I have learned so much and met so many nice staff and people. I am currently loving the cooking area and the technology area. It’s been a really positive experience so far; I’m getting used to doing tours and interpretation now and I am enjoying it.

I’m loving learning new things. The way that they are teaching us is amazing and is a lot easier to understand than school. I can now interact with the public and not be as awkward. I love being involved with the work we do. In my first 3 weeks, I stone pecked a drop spindle weight, unfortunately, it broke 🙁

In cooking, I have learned a lot about the methods of Iron Age cooking, the plants they would have used and the foods they would have eaten. I am currently working on making a rolling pin on the lathe but I’m still learning how to properly use it so I haven’t it started yet. I’m looking forward to getting my qualification in customer service and learning more about the Iron Age. Which I know will be a great help in the future.


(Funding for the apprenticeship programme kindly supported by the Gannochy Trust, Museums Galleries Scotland, Perth & Kinross Council and SSE Renewables)