Celtic Yule 2020 – by apprentice Izzie

Crannog Apprentice Izzie writes about her experience as Events Coordinator our the Celtic Yule event!


For the planning of this year’s Yule Event, I was given the role of Event Coordinator. This involved me leading the event meetings every Thursday running up until the event started. In these meetings, all the apprentices came up with the activities that would be happening in each area and which member of staff would be running which area. After we decided the activities, I came up with a rota – I made sure that every apprentice was working on each event day, and that when we were off, there was enough staff available on site. When the rota was complete, and I knew which staff were working on the days of the event, I made a timetable so that everyone knew what they were doing and at what time. With all the information we collected in the first few meetings, I sent out an email to all the staff so that everybody knew what would be happening. We all also came up with what we would need to buy for all the activities and what we needed to decorate the site with. After all the items had been delivered, we started testing the activities to see how much of each thing we needed and if we had to buy any more.

Georgia and I also made A LOT of wire jewellery to sell at the back stall which took up most of our time, then after making all the jewellery we had to package each one individually which also took a very long time. But we are very happy with the results! We all also came up with other crafted items that we were going to sell at our stall and started making those too. We also thought of a tombola which Daisy oversaw. As the event coordinator, I wrote a list of things that needed to be done for the event and gave everybody a specific task to do so that everything got done.

During the event days, I tried to keep the mood as happy as possible and gave everyone lots of tea and coffee. I also led the morning meetings every day and a reflective meeting at the end of the events to see if anyone thought things should work differently. From the first reflective meeting, we change just a few small things which made the next day run much smoother. We hope everyone enjoyed the event!

(Funding for the apprenticeship programme kindly supported by the Gannochy Trust, Museums Galleries Scotland, Perth & Kinross Council and SSE Renewables)