Apprentice Blogs – Toby

Hi I’m Toby and I’m an apprentice at the Scottish Crannog Centre.
Since working here I have learned alot of skills; from completing my digital marketing diploma all the way to helping repair and maintain the crannog bridge in the winter of 2020, I also made a short documentary about the Bridge Repairs.

There is a big difference between learning about Search Engine Optimization and learning how to use an iron age laithe, but the crannog centre makes it all work together.

Ontop of all of the skills I have learned I have also really enjoyed my placement,
and it has opened my horizons; before working here I never would have considered myself a practical person,
but next year I am hoping to stay on at the centre and start a craft aprenticeship.
And I’m sure I’m not the only person in the world that wishes they had a laithe at home.

Before working here, I would have been happy with any job in the computing/technology field,
but after starting here and seeing the practical side of things, I wouldn’t want to limit myself,
and the crannog centre is the only place I can think of that mixes the modern and old technologies in the way that we do here.